Invitation into “wintering.” Photo: A. Furchert 2023
“Winter is not the death of the life cycle, but its crucible. ”
Friends and Fellow travelers,
On this last evening of Thanksgiving weekend here in the USA, I send you greetings of gratitude and anticipation.
I am always a bit scared of the winter season and thus trying to prolong Fall as much as possible. But then, when the first snow flurries tumble to the ground I find myself overcome by joy. The crisp air, the quiet dance of white flurries, the soft blanket of fresh white as it illuminates the night seems to open a door of my heart I keep forgetting over the rest of the year: Simple, childlike joy.
And so, like a greeting from beyond, the first snow came to remind me to remind you of the simple joy of living. Pure, naked, and vulnerable.
In the midst of the terror, let us not give up on breathing and living and humming, dear friends. I have gotten beautiful notes from many on my last post on hoping against despair. Thank you, thank you and keep writing!
Chuck’s essay today (see below) continues this theme of hope against despair by sharing impressions from a NYT article he found on simple-but-profound human acts of courage in the (un)Holy land, which gave him joy and consolation. All rounded up with an update about our book on moral action which just came out (!) and as always a blessing at the end.
But first some notes of gratitude and a gift for you:
I found myself simply being grateful to be able to eat a Thanksgiving dinner without the fear it could bring me right back to hospital. And so I still adapt post-surgery. I am grateful to have recovered so well, for all your well wishes, and for the good care I recieved, both from Western and Chinese medicine.
I am grateful for each of you who has followed our humble writings since we started them almost a decade ago here at The Cloister, a journey aimed towards inward deepening. Your responses are not only deeply appreciated but have kept me going even though difficult times.
And so I am looking forward to a new chapter here at The Cloister with some new ideas and some reaccuring annuals:
For all who have wondered, Yes, The 12 Days of Christmas Consolations will be back, now coming in its 7th season! Official enrollment for this season will start on the first of Advent. As a token of gratitude to our readers here at the Cloister I am happy to give away free access to this unique Online Journey. Just send me a note here and I will put you on the list for free.
I am looking forward to writing up the program this week for the new year and to introduce it to you in the next newsletters.
For now I send you love and gratitude, Almut