Welcome to our “little cloister”
where we
Drs. Almut & Chuck with little one
Home of
+The Hildegard Seminar,
+Kierkegaard Masterclass,
+Bach Passionweek Consolations,
+The 12 Days of Christmas Contemplations &
+The “Little School” of Spiritual Formation
“Giving from heart to heart...”
A piece of heart felt art by the Benedictines @ Saint Leo’s monastery, FL.
If you have enjoyed journeying with us, reading our Blog or participating in one of our retreats and if you would like to grow this labor of love together with us into the future do consider making Cloister Seminars part of your Giving.
You can chose what ever small or big amount you prefer to give upon clicking on the button. You can also signify a specific cause, like The 12 Days of Christmas in the text section on the donation form. Your gift will ensure we can pay our monthly costs to sustain this webspace, to keep it free from advertisement and distraction and to continue offering free content for you to enjoy as well as to keep our program accessable to all.
Cloister Seminars is entirely run as a labor of love by our little family “cloister”, where we try to live a “monastic” life together with our little daughter throughout our day to day life. Here we reach out from our heart to yours, to offer spiritual seekers like you a space for solitude and contemplation in a busy world. For this we are pouring many (unpaid) hours into writing, designing, composing, and research to keep this work of love going. Because sustaining a webspace, sending newsletters, composing seminars and retreats does not only take hundreds of hours but also many more dollars please do consider to support our work or to become a sustaining member of cloisterseminars.org. Our hope is that one day this webspace will be able to sustain itself. Thus we need your support to keep this labor of love going into the future.
To start your giving now just click on the button above. Thank you so much!
You can give a one-time donation or chose to sustain this work by making it part of your monthly giving practice. If you would prefer to send a check instead you can do so, too.
Please write your check:
to: Drs. Furchert & Huff
for: CloisterSeminars
and send it to:
Furchert & Huff
c/o The Green House
510 5th Street East
Northfield, MN 55057
How ever small or large your gift is, it will be ensured our sincere gratitude. All will be used to continue this work of love and thus is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your support,
Almut with Chuck and little one