Dear fellow pilgrim,
How are you doing today on your journey? We are almost midway! Soon we arrive at the threshold where the old and the new year meet!
I always arrive somewhat worn down, with some regret in my pockets. Really, are we already there? Is this year already over? There are so many projects I wanted to get done! So many things not finished yet!
And then, there are the angels from the Christmas story: Fear not, they sing into my worries, Fürchte Dich nicht!
Denn Dir ist heute ein Heiland geboren. A Savior is born for you, a healer is given …
“Fear not...”
O dear friends, healing is what my heart longs for, and often I wish it comes once and for all. And then, the 12 Days of Christmas invite us on a journey to be reminded that the Divine does not come once and for all but knocks tenderly at our door, always again, in search of a dwelling place. Here, right here in the unrest of my heart, somewhat worn down by family worries, but also retreating into the beauty of the landscape of my birth, right here in the chamber of my innermost being, here the Divine wants to dwell.
Right here, in your fresh grief, right here in your joys and sorrows, right here in your uncertainty, right here in this numbness, right here in this snowstorm, right here, in the aching world… and right here, in your family vacation or your retreat place, right here…
Hier, in mir…
As I write, the angels sing in many voices, using the languages I speak and the words I need. What do they sing to you, dear fellow pilgrim?
Fear not. Do not hold your door shut when it knocks. Fear not.
And so, at this threshold from the old to the new, and at this place of our journey, where we have pondered Joseph’s kindred spirit and our path to the stable and the exulting angel choirs, I would like to invite you to pause once more.
Above is an incredibly beautiful illumination of the angel choirs inspired by Hildegard of Bingen’s vision in her Scivias. The image and accompanying text would be worth a whole day retreat. But today we simply want to invite you into a Divine looking and listening practice that we will end with a blessing written by Chuck.
For this we need not know details or context of this beautiful vision and art piece. We just need to look and listen.
So take some minutes (you will need 4 min to watch and listen just once), a journal may be, and a quiet place.
You might want to start with a breathing practice and a prayer, as a Divine reading practice would do.
(You might also want to press pause at the end of the video so you do not get pulled down the YouTube rabbit hole at the end. Or find the button to click repeat to start the same sequence another time.)
Then sit, listen, and look.
Listen to the angels singing: Caritas abundat in omnia – Oh Liebe, die alles überfliesst, oh love that overflows everything… A beautiful chant indeed written and composed by Hildegard.
But this is not important. Important is the stirring in your heart you can feel and hear when you listen and see.
May be the mandala of the angel Choirs starts swirling in front of your inner eye, just as it did for Hildegard, may be the center starts pulling you in. May be you close your eyes and just follow the chant.
Maybe there are tears of joy, relief, or sorrow. May be there is peace. May be there are some worries. Welcome them all.
And sit with it and them. Click repeat or back if needed. Dive into Caritas abundant, swim in it. Let it take you to your inner place in need of love overflowing.
Is there a “fear not” message for you today? Or a feeling of arriving and peace?
Take some time to write it down at the end.
And if you wish, feel free to share it in the comments below or just personally via email later.
And now, a
Do not be afraid
To step into that great silence,
limitless, expansive,
pregnant with love.
Listen silently
without your shell.
Cast away your shield.
You will
A still, small voice.
to the angel choirs
calling you.
Do not be afraid.
And may Christmas find you where you are, A & C & H
This post is part of our 12 Days of Christmas Series 2022/23: “Taking Courage”, a Contemplative Journey towards the heart of Christmas. To enter our virtual dwelling place click here. To share your thoughts with us, write us here. We love to hear from you! For personal guidance visit our PathFinder.
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