
Welcome to our “little cloister”


Let Spring remind us: New Beginnings take time.


This Spring reminds me of the transitional spaces of our soul. The coming and going, the warmth dancing with the cold, the old not yet fully gone while new greens already break through.

There seems to be wisdom in the liturgical calendar counting 50 days of Easter. New beginnings need time, redemption, too.

Our soul moves in seasons and just as we had another winter flurry here in MN covering the young greens with a thin white veil our soul seasons seem to intermingle, too.

So my #midweekblessing today is a humble consolation:

If you (like me)
have been visited by
days of lament
this Easter season
do not despair.

Welcome them instead
like the young green
keeps growing under
layers of dead leaves.

Spring is on its way.

Peace and Blessings to you this Easter season, Almut

"God is in the Egg." A Spring Meditation with CG Jung

"God is in the Egg." A Spring Meditation with CG Jung

Spring's Unfolding