On this Holy Tuesday I want to invite you into a holy pause to cradle your heart. The Aria I have chosen from the Matthew Passion offers you an invitation to self-compassion. To be compassionate even with your “bleeding heart.”
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On this Holy Tuesday I want to invite you into a holy pause to cradle your heart. The Aria I have chosen from the Matthew Passion offers you an invitation to self-compassion. To be compassionate even with your “bleeding heart.”
What if we would see our Lenten journey as a wonderful invitation instead a time of penitence? A time to discover our deep longing and yearning, to create space to invite the voice of Life to speak? Maybe in the hot, dry, dizzying place of the desert we might see beauty, discover life lessons from nature and unearth sustenance from simple things. Maybe in our thirst we will experience moments of Oneness and explore who we are and whose we are.