The Fifth Day of Christmas. A Day of Rest
Little babies rest a lot. They do not care where they are or what is appropriate etiquette. They sleep when they need to. As it belongs to our human condition to rest in order to grow, the same is true for our spiritual life.
Today, on the Fifth Day of Christmas, we have arrived on a Sunday. A day of rest. Thus, we invite you, if you can, to do what is not easy to do – namely to rest, not only from your daily work, but also from this journey.
You might want to take a nap, or a walk, or to cuddle with your kids or animal companion or a good read, or to spend some time napping, or what is the hardest of all, not do a thing for a while.
For those of you who just started the journey into the 12 Days of Christmas, and were looking forward to do some reading today, you can do so too. You will find all the reflections at our 12 Days of Christmas gathering space. Do read, if that means for you resting from your work and if it gives peace to your soul. Or start with a day of rest to prepare for the second part of the journey ahead.
If you are one of the many who have to serve others this Sunday, including family members and loved ones, may this time be fulfilled nonetheless, and may you find peace and grace in your doing, and some moments of rest also.
On days six and seven ahead we are approaching the threshold of the new year, and thus will take some time to look back on what lies behind and to look forward to what is to come. You might want to plan some time for each day for these end of year reflections.
But now, let’s be present to this day and what it will bring to us.
May you find some quiet this day
to nourish your soul
may you find a sacred moment
even in the work which needs to be done
may you forget for a moment
that makes demands on you.
May you instead greet this day like a child
joyful and in curious anticipation
of what is to come.
May God meet you at your resting place.